Selasa, 07 Juli 2015

Why English

Contoh text bacaan : Why English
why english
Why must we learn English ? why must you stay up late nights memorizing verb forma or mastering an English pattern ? English has been moving into the centre stage among languages for the past two hundred years. The two greatest exporters of the language have been the British and the Americans because of their colonial holdings and world importance after the second world war with 2.796 different languanges, it is imperative to the world. Some languages are some more people like Chinese.

Some languages have more nation using it as the first or second language. This popularity resulted from colonialism and education being created in the colonial language. The most German and Russian in this category are English, Spanish, French, German and Russian. But English is at present the most widely studied language in countries where it is not native., being the favoured foreign language in the universities of Russia, Japan, and Turkey as well as German and French. It is the language of trade and business transactions.

The fourth of the world mail is written in English, one half of the world’s newspapers are printed in English. English is the language of over three fifth of the world’s radio stations, It has recently become one of the leading tongues of international scholasrship and scientific and technical periodicals. So when read our books on beautiful afternoons and evenings we are really becoming members of an international club of disciplined English speakers.

Questions dan Contohnya

Question dibedakan menjadi :
1. Simple question ( yes/no question )
2. Information question ( question word question )
Simple question ( yes/no question )
Simple question ialah pertanyaan yang :
a. Diawali dengan modal auxiliaries
b. Mengharapkan jawaban ‘yes’ atau ‘no’
Contoh :
Can you start the engine ?
Yes, I can
No, I can’t

Information question atau question words questions.
Information question ialah pertanyaan yang :
a. Diawali question words
b. Mengharapkan informasi sebagai jawaban.
Conroh :
What is your name ?
My name is Raja Jempol.

Daftar question words :
What digunakan untuk menanykan benda
Whisch digunakan untuk menanyakan pilihan.
Who digunakan untuk menanykan orang sebagai subjek atau obyek.
Whom digunakan untuk menanyakan orang sebagai obyek ( cara lama )
Whose digunakan untuk menanyakan orang sebagai pemilik.
Where digunakan untuk menanyakan tempat atau tujuan.
When digunakan untuk menanyakan waktu.
Why digunakan untuk menanyakan alasan.
How much .........digunakan untuk menanyakan harga.
How many .........digunakan untuk menanyakan jumlah.
How many times..... digunakan untuk menanyakan frekwensi.
How far ..........digunakan untuk menanyakan jarak.
How long ........digunakan untuk menanyakan lamanya waktu.
How are you.....digunakan untuk menanyakan keadaan kesehatan.
How old ........digunakan untuk menanyakan umur.
How do/does/did........digunakan untuk menanyakan cara.

Cara membuat Information Questios.
1. Information question tentang orang
Sebagi subyek : who langsung mengganti kedudukan he
He bought a motor-cycle for me - Who bought a motor-cycle for me ?

Sebagai obyek : menambahkan who/whom
He bought a motor-cycle for me. - who did he buy a motor-cycle for ?
Did he buy a motor-cycle for me. - Whom did he buy a motor-cycle for ?

2. Information question tentang benda
Sebagai subyek : what langsung menggantikan kedudukan kata benda
English will help you understand many things. - What will help you understand many things ?

Sebagai obyek : menambahkan what + does didepan subyek
Mr. Tamba teaches Japanese in Saraswati. – What does Mr. Tamba teach in Saraswati ?

Sebagai perbuatan : menambahkan doing (what)
She is typing a letter in the living room. – What is she doing in the living room ?

3. Information question tentang pilihan.
The red one is my book. – Which is your book ?
The red one is my book. – Which one is your book ?

4. Information question tentang tempat.
He repaired his car in Gunawan Motor last mont.
Did he repair his car in Gunawan Motor last month ?
--- (where) -----
Where did he repair his car last month ?
Information Question tentang tempat sebagai tujuan :
The students went to Bali last month.
Did the students go to Bali last month ?
Where did the students go last month ?

Information question tentang tempat sebagai tempat asal :
I come from Lebanon.
Do you come from Lebanon ?
Where do you come from ?

5. Information question tentang waktu
He reapired his car in Gunawan Motor last month.
Did he repair his car in Gunawan Motor last month ?
When did he repair his car in Gunawan Motor ?

6. Information question tentang pemilik
I meet her mother this morning.
Did you meet her mother this morning ?
--------(whose) mother---------
Whose mother did you meet this morning ?

7. Information question tentang alasan atau sebab
He is sad because his mother has just died.
Is he sad because his mother has just died ?
Why is he sad ?

8. Information question tentang harga
I bought the house Rp. 250.000.000
Did you buy the house Rp. 250.000.000 ?
------(how much)--------
How much did you buy the house ?

Information question tentang jumlah:
He has sent three books to his sister.
Has he sent three books to his sister ?
--------------(how many) books ---------
How many times does he sent to his sister ?

Information question tentang frekwensi :
He eats three times a day.
Does he eat three times a day ?
-----(how many) times ------
How many times does he eat a day ?

Information question tentang jarak :
It is about 400 kms from Banyuwangi to Surabaya.
Is it about 400 kms from Banyuwangi to Surabaya ?
-------(how far)-------
How far is it from Banyuwangi to Surabaya ?

Information question tentang lamanya waktu :
it takes you 8 hours by bus.
Does it take me 8 hours by bus ?
-------(how long)---------
How long does it take me by bus ?

Information question tentang keadaan kesehatan :
I am very well.
Are you very well ?
How are you ?

Information question tentang umur/usia :
She is 19 years old.
Is she 19 years old ?
----------(how) old-------
How old is she ?

Information question tentang cara :
She goes to school by motor-cycle.
Does she go to school by motor-cycle ?
How does she go to school ?

Senin, 06 Juli 2015

Kalimat Affirmative, Interrogative dan negative

Membentuk kalimat negative, interrogative dan negative interrogative
Mengingat funsinya kalimat dapat dibedakan menjadi :
1. Kalimat Affirmative artinya kalimat berita
2. Kalimat Negative artinya kalimat menyangkal
3. Kalimat Interrogative artinya kalimat bertanya
4. Kalimat Interrogative negative artinya kalimat menyangkal bertanya
5. Kalimat Imperative artinya kalimat perintah.
bahasa ingris
Sebelum membuat kalimat Affirmative menjadi kalimat negative atau Interrogative atau Interrogative negative, hal yang perlu kita lakukan adalah memperhatikan apakah kalimat Affirmative yang akan kita kerjakan mengandung modal auxiliries atau tidak. Apabila terdapat sebuah modal auxiliary ( kata kerja bantu ) didalam sebuah kalimat Affirmative maka cara membuatnya menhadi kalimat negative adalah :
Subject + (modal aux + not ) + verb + (object) + adverb

Contoh :
1. Affirmative : He has gone to London
Negative : He has not gone to London
2. Affirmative : The Tempest is written by Shakespeare
Negative : The Tempest is not written by Shakespeare
3. Affirmative : Students must speak Indonesia at school.
Negative : Students must not speak Indonesia at school.
Car membuat kalimat Affirmative menjadi kalimat Interrogative adalah :
Modal aux + Subject + Verb + (object ) + Adverb

Contoh :
1. Affirmative: He has gone to London
Interrogative : Has he gone to London
2. Affirmative : The Tempest is written by Shakespeare
Interrogative: Is The Tempest written by Shakespeare ?
3. Affirmative : Students must Speak Indonesia at School
Interrogative : Must students speak Indonesia at school ?
Untuk membentuk kalimat Affirmative yang tanpa modal auxiliary menjadi kalimat negative harus dengan bantuan Finites ‘do’ yaitu ‘do’, ‘does’ atau ‘did’. Apabila kalimatnya dalam bentuk simple past menggunakan finite ‘did’.
Cara membuat kalimat Affirmative tanpa modal auxiliary menjadi kalimat Negative adalah :
Subject + (do/does/did) + not + verb (infinitive) + ..........

Contoh :
1. Affirmative : They speak English at school
Negative : They do not speak English at school
2. Affirmative : She starts work at 7.
Negative : She does not start work at 7
3. Affirmative : He took my picture last night.
Negative : He did not take my picture last night.

Cara membuat kalimat Affirmative menjadi kalimat Interrrogative adalah :
( Do/does/did ) + Subject + Verb (infinite) + ......
Contoh :
1. Affirmative : They speak English at school
Interrogative : Do they speak English at school
2. Affirmative : She starts work at 7.
Negative : Does she start work at 7
3. Affirmative : He took my picture last night.
Negative : Did he n take my picture last night.

Membuat kalimat Affirmative menjadi kalimat Interrogative Negative dapat dilakukan dengan dua cara yaitu :
1. Menempatkan ‘not’ sesudah subject. Cara ini digunakan pada bahasa tulis resmi ( paper, skripsi, laporan, kertas kerja, surat-surat resmi dan yang serupa ).
Contoh :
a. Affirmative : He needs a medical care
Interrogative negative : Does he not need a medical care ?
b. Affirmative : He wanted a medicine
Interrogative negative : Did he not want a medicine ?

2. Mengunkan bentuk contracted negative. Susunan ini dipakai dalam bahasa lisan atau bahasa tulis tidak resmi.
Contoh :
c. Affirmative : He needs a medical care
Interrogative negative : Doesn’t he need a medical care ?
d. Affirmative : He wanted a medicine
Interrogative negative : Didn’t he want a medicine ?

Kalimat Imperrative tidak memerlukan perubahan kata kerja. Kata kerja yang digunakan adalah kata kerja yang ‘bare infinitive’ yaitu kata kerja tanpa ‘to’
Contoh :
Sit down !
Stand Up !
Go out !
Shut the door !
Don’t open your dictionary.

Auxiliary Verbs

Auxiliary verbs artinya kata kerja bantu. Ada beberapa macam istilah untuk kata kerja bantu ini antara lain anomalous finites, special finites dan modal auxiliaries. Mereka disebut kata kerja bantu karena tugasnya membantu kata kerja. Mereka tidak dapat berdiri sendiri kecuali dalam short answers, sebagi copula (be), have yang berarti mempunyai atau yang berarti makan, minum dan arti lainnya dan do yang berarti mengerjakan atau berbuat.
Telah diternagkan diatas bahwa kata kerja bantu tidak dapat berdiri sendiri sebagaimana kata kerja tetapi mereka harus berdiri berdampingan dengan kata kerja.
Contoh :
I can English . ( kalimat ini selalu ) seharusnya.
I can speak ( write ) English.
He will to the market . ( kalimat ini salah ) seharusnya,
He will go to the market.

Tentang auxiliary verbs :
1. Non Finites Forms
Infinitive : be, have, do
Present Participle : being, having, doing
Past Pasticiple : been, had, done

2. Finite Forms
Present Tense : am, is, are, have, has, do, does, have to, has to, shall, will, can, may, must, ought, need, dare
Past tense : was, were, had, did, had to, should, would, could, might, had to, used to.

Finites dan Non Finites

Verb atau kata kerja dapat tergolong Finites atau Non Finites. Yang disebut Non Finites adalah Infinitives ( present atau perfect yaitu yang memakai ‘to’ atau tanpa memakai ‘to’), present dan past participles dan “gerund”. Sedang yang disebut finites adalah bentuk lain selain yang telah disebutkan diatas. Jadi Non Finites dari’be’, misalnya adalah : to be, to have is, are, was, were. Non Finites dari ‘see’ adalah : to see, see, sees dan saw.
Contoh :
‘be’ Non Finites :
I want to be a teacher
He will be a teacher
He has been in London
I will have been in London next month
Lucy is being treated in Darmo Hospital

Finites :
I am teaching English . ( present continuous tense )
He is sent to prison. ( passive voice )
She was not at school last Monday. ( kalimat negative )
Were you present last night. ( kalimat interogative )

Catatan :
Am, is, are, was dan were digunakan untuk :
a. Membentuk kalimat negative dan interrogative
b. Membentuk kalimat progressive atau continous tense, dan
c. Membentuk kalimat passive.
Mereka berfungsi sebagai copula atau connecting ( lingking verb dalam kalimat Affirmative ).
Contoh :
I am a teacher
She is at school
They are students
He was absent on Tuesday
We were busy last night.

‘To see’ Non Finites :
We cannot see without eyes
She wants to seethe Minister
I am very glad to have seen you
We have seen the film
Seeing horse race is interesting
Bacteria cannot be seen with bare eyes

Finites :
I see my doctor every Wednesday
Hellen sees films every Saturday evening
I saw her two day ago.

Sabtu, 04 Juli 2015

Demonstrative pronoun dan Contonya

demont pronoun
Demonstrative pronoun
Ada 7 jenis demonstrative pronoun yaitu : this, that (singular), these, those (plural), the former, the later and such.
Contoh :
This is my book ( singular )
These are my books ( plural )
That is a blackboard ( singular )
Those are blacboard ( plural )
Shakespeare and Gothe are great poets.
The former is an Englishman, the later is a German
Such is the state, of man.

Relative Pronoun
Ada 8 jenis relative pronoun yaitu : who (subjective), whom (objective), whose (possessive), which, that, what dan kadang-kadang as dan but. Mereka mempunya bentuk yang sama untuk singuar dan plural.
Who, whom dan whose digunakan untuk menerangkan orang.
Misal :
The man who is standing there is my teacher. (subject )
The man whom Pety is talking with is my father. (objeck)
Shakesperae is writer whose plays are andmirable . (pemilik )
Contoh :
The current, which is very rapid, makes the river dangerous.
My dog, which was lost, has been found.
My brother that is in Paris has sent me a letter.
This is the house that Jack Built.

Interrogative pronoun
Ada 4 interrogative pronoun yaitu: who, whose, which dan what.
Contoh :
Who is the man at the window ?
Whose is that dictionary ?
Which of these novels have you read ?
What did he talk about ?

Distributive pronoun
Ada 3 distributive pronoun yaitu : each, either dan neither. Each artinya masing-masing secara individual. Either artinya satu atau yang lain dari kedua benda atau orang yang ada. Neither artinya tak satupun dari kedua benda atau orang yang ada.
Contoh :
There are selected students. Each received the award from the headmaster.
I have two books, either would suit you well
I have two friends, but neither is kind to me.

Indefinite pronoun
Indefinite pronoun yang ada dalam bahasa Inggris adalah : all, some, any, one, they dan some, no, any dan every yang diikuti oleh one, body dan thing.
Contoh :
There are many people in the yard. All are wearning hats. Some are man and some are women.
Did you meet many people? No, I did not meet any
One cannot be sure what is the best thing to do.
No one can cure his sickness.
Something has gone wrong.

Emphasizing pronoun.
Emphasizing pronoun sama dengan reflexive pronoun hanya berbeda dalam fungsi.
Contoh :
He saved himself ( reflexive pronoun )
Ho himself wrote the letter ( emphasizing pronoun )

Jumat, 03 Juli 2015

Personal pronoun dan Contohnya

Macam-macam pronoun (kata ganti) dan contohnya dapat dilihat dibawah ini.
jenis pronoun
1. Personal pronoun
Dalam person ini dibagi menjadi 3 lengkapnya adalah, Firts person (orang pertama) artinya orang yang berbicara. Second person (orang kedua) artinya orang yang diajak bicara. Third person (orang ketiga) artinya orang yang dibicarakan. Masing-masing ada yang tunggal (singular) ada pula yang plural (jamak)

Singular :
Firts Person : I (subjective), My, mine (possessive), me (objective), Myself (reflextive)
Second Person : You (subjective), Your, Yours (possessive), you (objective), Yourself (reflextive)
Third Person : He, She, It (subjective), His, Her, Its, His, Hers, Its (possessive), Him, Her, It (objective), Itself (reflextive)

Plural :
Firts Person : we (subjective),our, ours (possessive), us (objective), Ourselves (reflextive)
Second Person : You (subjective), Your, Yours (possessive), you (objective), Yourselves (reflextive)
Third Person : They (subjective), Their, Theirs (possessive), Them (objective), Themselves(reflextive)

Keterangan :
Subjective artinya person sebagai subjek
Possessive artinya persoon sebagi pemilik
Objective artinya person sebagi obyek
Reflexive artinya person sebagai pelaku perbuatan tanpa disertai orang lain.

I = saya, aku
You = engkau, kamu, saudara, tuan
He = dia (laki-laki )
She = dia, ia ( perempuan )
It = dia, ia ( benda )
We = kami, kita
You (P1) = kamu, saudara semua
They = mereka

Contoh singular :
Subjective :
I have a dictionary
He has a nice picture
We have an excellent teacher

Possessive adjective :
My dictionary is good
His picture is nice
Our teacher is excellent

Possessive pronoun :
The good dictionary is mine
The nice picture is his
The excellent teacher is ours

Catatan :
1. Bentuk possessive adjective maupun possessive pronoun tidak berubah menurut jumlah benda yang diterangkan.
Contoh :
The boy has lost his book
The boy has lost his books

2. Bentuk possessive pronou ‘it’s ‘ tidak pernah dipakai
Contoh :
I have a cat. Catty is its name (umum)
Catty is its name. The name is its (tidak lazim)

Pada artikel berikutnya akan bahas demonstrative pronoun, relative pronoun, interrogative pronoun, distributive pronoun, indefinite pronoun, emphasizing pronoun beserta contohnya.